Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2318 Recon 2,288 32
Tikkie Breed 2,288 44
TUI Aviation Planning 2,288 35
Zoertechniek ek poule 2,288 17
Zonnehoek EK 2024 2,288 40
2345 - EK Voetbalpoule 2024 - 2,287 25
1HelePoule 2,287 22
ADC Wihabo 2,287 39
AtmR EKantoorpoule 2,287 29
Bar zuid vv marienberg 2,287 11
BDS Schilders 2,287 16
Best Vooruit Zaterdag 2 2,287 13
Biergroep Voorspelbokaal 2,287 21
Coolblue SDA | EK Poule 2,287 27
EK 2024 voetbal 2,287 8
EK op de OK 2,287 49
Ek24 poulie 2,287 15
Fam Broek & de rest 2,287 13
Fam Vre Oss Hol 2,287 9
FC BEUKTEAM - EK Poule 2024 2,287 24
FC De Glazen Bollers 2,287 19
FC Lith 2,287 13
Ferm Werk EK Poule 2024 2,287 15
Feyenoord Rotterdam 2,287 32