Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2065 Roodenberg Staalkabels 2,298 38
RVB Woensdrecht EK-pool 2024 2,298 22
Sparta komt er wel 2,298 22
SSC-ICT BAS EA 2,298 32
Verbindingspool Kairos 2,298 28
We vreten ze op! 2,298 11
Welkoop 2,298 12
ZDV EK Pool 2024 2,298 29
2097 A votre Santé 2,297 7
Coopers 2,297 8
De best of de Croockies🏆 2,297 15
De Dikke Pensjes 2,297 7
EK 2024 ~ 2,297 15
EK poule 7 west 🏆⚽️ 2,297 18
Euro 2024 Leo/Ralf 2,297 18
Heesmans EK 2024 Poule 2,297 48
S.C. STADSPARK 5 2,297 22
Skins EK 2024 2,297 19
Team Unique 2,297 25
Van Muijen Betonbouw EK 2024! 2,297 23
VDB2024 2,297 19
Winnaars 2024 2,297 12
2111 Altijd-Oranje-Boven 2,296 46
Avis Ek 2024 2,296 36
Boem Boem 💰 2,296 12