Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
4283 woeste 2,032 14
Zaterdag 5 is wereldkampioen 2,032 18
4353 34 naar das vaterland 2,031 10
Accell WE - EK 2024 2,031 22
Bonk 2024 2,031 8
Brackjes 2,031 8
Budweiser Poule EK 2024 2,031 16
Calculus EK 2024 2,031 14
Cool Control EK Poules 2,031 13
De meurende boertjes 2,031 10
De Taks EK poule 2,031 16
DeRaadGroep EK Poule 2024 2,031 45
Einfach Kochen 2024 2,031 10
EK 2024 Pooltje Moaatuuuh 2,031 12
EK 2024 SalesWise Prono 2,031 17
EK Poule 2024 Zuid 2,031 22
EK poule Blom Hoveniers 2,031 12
ESHCC goes EURO 2024 2,031 20
Fam Van Baar EK voetbalpoule 2,031 12
Fam van Beek 2,031 10
FC Carlo Utd 2,031 13
FC CAS 2,031 12
FC Ludiek 2,031 11
FCos 240 2,031 13
Forza ITALIA 2,031 6