Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
348 Knegsels kampioenschap 2,409 29
Koko's EK Pool 2,409 49
Spaansen collega's 2,409 33
Sunflower Casuals 2,409 14
vdGroenendaal 2,409 16
359 Asia Express Food 2024 2,408 73
De Muurliggers EK Toto! 2,408 30
De Voetbaltempel EK 2024 2,408 104
Fysiopraktijk Berghuizen EK 2024 2,408 24
Ronald Out 2,408 13
Solvari 2,408 25
Vitesse Delft6 2,408 17
366 Drabo 2,407 30
Stralend EK 2,407 24
Zwanenpoule 2,407 25
369 EK Poule Borgia 2,406 39
Eredivisiepoule 23/24 2,406 32
Friesland Campina Leerdam 2,406 53
Int(h)ernationals 2,406 50
ja dit is een goed stel hoor! 2,406 21
Vrienden van de Fontein 2,406 13
Zonnetjes United 2,406 15
376 Communicatie EK Voetbal 2024 2,405 41
KP Holland ek poule 2024 2,405 72
PV Paramelt 2,405 40