Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
975 hizmet 2,129 6
977 Bacotje 2,128 8
Bekvogels Eredivisie 2,128 11
OG eredivisie 2,128 5
Sjon 2,128 6
Tapkast 2,128 8
982 De Dubio Trofee 2,127 6
Farmt 2,127 5
Football Friends ARC 2,127 5
Het nanipark 2,127 10
MacBright Eredivisie 2,127 9
Poulzwagen 2,127 6
Uitgeest 21-22 2,127 10
VoetbalPoultje SCE CL 23/24 2,127 8
990 Dick Boomkamp KKD poule '24/25 2,126 10
Eredivisie 24/25 ☀️ 2,126 15
Esso gouda 2,126 12
Kleijngeld EK 2,126 5
Pieters1974 2,126 10
Rob gaat winnen 2,126 8
Tricolores eredivisie poule 2,126 12
Unihorn Eredivisie 2,126 7
Vakkie403 2,126 6
1000 De Verkenners 2,125 13