Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
651 Ajax Totaal Poule 2,175 7
Awaydaysdtc 2,175 8
Emga United 2,175 20
Eredivisie 2022/2023 2,175 9
Fam. Willemsen 2,175 6
Kameraden 2,175 13
Oempaloempa's 2,175 9
Poulonaise-2024-2025 2,175 8
voetbal Franke 2,175 11
660 Claessens van Rooijen WK 2022 Pool 2,174 5
Club Niehof 2,174 13
De4de 2,174 9
Dus ik daar heen 2,174 7
Eredivisie plalloy 24 2,174 6
JAO Football 2,174 7
Seizoen 12.- Eredivisie 2022-2023 - 013 2,174 18
SV Losser 3 2,174 7
Zwikker Family and Friends Champions League 2,174 9
669 10 Kaasboeren 2,173 10
CRV Deventer 2,173 12
Familie en aanhang Eredivisie 2,173 7
Toto Champions League 24-25 2,173 6
Toto Conference League 24-25 2,173 6
Toto Eredivisie 24-25 2,173 6
Toto Europa League 24-25 2,173 6