Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2169 VvG EK-poule 2024 2,133 16
Winnaars 2024 2,133 12
Zeeuwse Stromen EK poule 2,133 23
Zonnedael EK pool 2,133 22
2205 Ajax Totaal Poule 2,132 8
Barry 2,132 11
Baudoin EK 2024 2,132 23
Bootsen 2,132 10
Bosschers EK Pool 2,132 19
Brunke 2.0 2,132 13
Cardano 2,132 50
CCN NW 2,132 23
De EK Kampioenen 2,132 8
De leven EK 2024 2,132 12
Eemslag 2,132 17
EK 2024 - De Jutters 2,132 24
EK 2024 €€€ 2,132 16
EK 2024 Bies Group 2,132 25
EK POULE 2024 DEN HELDER !!!!!! 2,132 35
EK poule 2024 familie 🏆⚽️ 2,132 15
Familie poultje 2,132 18
FC De Glazen Bollers 2,132 19
Hoogland EK2024 2,132 16
Hopelijk staat EK niet voor: erg kort 2,132 13
HYPOPOULE 2,132 18