Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12235 EK poule voor super coole hippe voetbal mensen 1,764 8
EK__2024 1,764 6
ekboysssss 1,764 15
EyeQuestion 1,764 13
Fam Nijmeijer 1,764 10
Familie Klunder-Jansen 1,764 7
Friends ulft 1,764 7
Goal Diggersss 1,764 7
Hendriksen collega’s 1,764 9
Hongerige Leeuwen 1,764 8
HupHollandHup!! 1,764 7
Informanagement 1,764 14
Koeman gooit alle dingen om 1,764 6
lamberink 1,764 6
Le Zoo EK 2024 1,764 14
Marterlaan EK 2024 poule 1,764 14
Mealprepper 1,764 5
Mingo’s 1,764 17
Nederland Olé Olé 🦁 1,764 6
Spraakzame levensgenieters 1,764 5
Ste.Marie 1,764 11
Swillratten 1,764 6
Transavia 1,764 7
Unicum 1,764 7
Vamos EK24 1,764 11