Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
9635 Nel an 't lip EK poule 1,944 8
Nollen 1,944 7
PITPOULE 1,944 14
POS Service Group 2024 1,944 9
Raamstraat 1 1,944 8
ScanmarQED 1,944 33
Spainsquad WK 2022 1,944 6
The Undertakers United 1,944 10
Tollie’s en het zwarte schaap 1,944 5
Toto blacklist 1,944 7
Travel Active 1,944 8
Tricolores EK2024 poule 1,944 10
Verhoek - eredivisie poule 1,944 10
Voetbalpoule Afval en Grondstoffen 1,944 8
We are real 1,944 5
Wir shaffen das! 1,944 14
Yathzudara 1,944 12
9695 A4 1,943 9
Attendi Technology 1,943 11
Barre skik 1,943 17
Battieboyzz 1,943 7
Beasties 1,943 10
BEZU & AANHANG 🦁 1,943 6
BigFam 1,943 10