Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8259 Familie linksvoor 1,966 8
Familie xxl 1,966 11
FC Fortuin 1,966 9
FC RamboRammers 1,966 6
HetTeamVanJos Eredivisie 1,966 9
It is coming thuis! 1,966 11
JEKKO EK 2024 1,966 8
JHM 1,966 5
Karper anaalisten 1,966 5
La Route! 1,966 14
Le coq 1,966 12
Lollige Leeuwen 1,966 10
MOONEN 1,966 8
OVO-DEVO EK Poule 2024 1,966 11
Rasjes & Schaapjes 1,966 10
Rheumatology EC 2024 1,966 23
RT23 EK24 poule 1,966 15
SFBG Euro Champs 24 1,966 17
Sikkens Paint Center Zutphen/Apeldoorn 1,966 16
SIM EK Poule 1,966 10
Sirius 1,966 6
Speelse mannetjes 1,966 8
TINT EK Poule 2024 1,966 11
Treijtel 1,966 20
Trinitas JO15-1 1,966 17