Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7332 De Glazen Bol 2,161 12
De kockie poule 2,161 11
De padelclub 2,161 7
De Sekte 2,161 9
EK 2024 - Arra Maatjes 2,161 9
EK 2024 - Marbami 2,161 8
EK 2024 AB vrienden 2,161 11
Eurocopa 2024 2,161 11
FC8 2,161 19
FlippoKosterEK2024 2,161 8
Frankrijk of Nederland 😉? 2,161 6
GeronTOTO 2,161 12
Habbo 2,161 8
Hõk 2,161 11
hvc 2,161 20
Irpel Sjille United 2,161 11
JA! Een EK! 2,161 16
Logistiek 2,161 16
Misschien wel hè? 2,161 9
Montran RO 2,161 25
Motion to Balance 2,161 6
Oranje (van) Leeuwen 2,161 9
ORTEC HealthCare 2,161 10
Party bouwkeet 2,161 13
Poule di Stefano 2,161 11