Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
624 BVV’s EK-poule 1,764 25
De Loden Loekies 1,764 23
DVSU 4 1,764 21
Eindhovuh wa zijn wij? 1,764 10
EK Poule Borgia 1,764 39
Familie de Wilde en de overblijfsels 1,764 14
FC Schenk 1,764 28
Frisse EK Poule 1,764 22
Goudse BetBoys 1,764 32
Het Zaanse EK Poultje! 1,764 32
Lariks EK Poule 1,764 35
Poule Zwarte-Jopie 1,764 25
Scania Voetbalnostradamussen 1,764 38
Vlieger 1,764 25
640 Boys Remunj 1,763 9
De EK strijders 1,763 55
De Huidjes 1,763 23
Glasstad 1,763 16
GSS POULE 1,763 15
Knegsels kampioenschap 1,763 29
PVP poule 1,763 50
SEH Amsterdam UMC 1,763 65
V&V Audit 1,763 30
Voetbaltoto 1,763 51