Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
5520 Hup naar de Europese Cup 2,011 15
Infor Netherlands 2,011 24
Intratuinenschede 2,011 32
Jentha 2,011 13
JOTEM EK POULE 2024 2,011 17
Kowet Home Again 2,011 15
Les petit gays 2,011 7
LOGI (Nijmegen) 2,011 8
MACO EK 2024 2,011 14
Natte kutjes 2,011 7
Nederlanders around the world 2,011 17
Neue Helden 2,011 7
Niemand is groter dan de club 2,011 8
Ouwe dorp EK 🍑🦁🧡 2,011 9
Piemeloentje 2,011 8
Pokerst@rs 2,011 11
PremBier League 2,011 13
Raamsdonksekudde 2,011 10
Resia_Eredivisie 2,011 12
Sesh 2,011 5
Sportaal poule 2024 2,011 26
SVD 2,011 5
Team Buffalo Bill 2,011 12
Teckel van achteren 2,011 11
ViQiCup 2,011 11