Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
3078 JBC Balze 1,918 8
Jumbo Sint Nyk EK pool 1,918 27
Jumbo Zjwame 1,918 33
Kennemer Kust 1,918 25
Kleinejagers 1,918 9
Krek gek en vrienden pool 1,918 14
Lemar BV 1,918 13
Moeimakers 1,918 14
Online Klik EK 2024 1,918 9
Oranjekoorts🦁 1,918 8
Overbos 5 1,918 17
Receba 1,918 14
Talenten van de toekomst! 1,918 6
Welleweerd EK 2024 1,918 15
3115 21 Pinchos EK Poule 1,917 13
Abush 1,917 9
Aspers Glorie 1,917 20
Bal Digital 1,917 22
Beat the rest 1,917 22
Bekerwinnaars Actief 1,917 10
Bindkracht10 1,917 26
Blokhuis-Voskamp 1,917 9
CapitalSpring 1,917 6
CCT EK Voetbal poule 1,917 13
Conclusion Finance 1,917 27