Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2790 Een goed stel hoor. 2,063 23
EK 2024 FAMILIE. 2,063 10
EK poule 073 2,063 7
EK poule: De Mannen 2,063 12
Ek voetbal poule 2024 2,063 33
EK-stique 2,063 12
Elzenpas 1 2,063 11
Fam Premium 2,063 11
Fc berenbrood 2,063 7
FC Dinxpers EK Poule 2,063 21
FR071 poule! 2,063 9
Hard Mooi Schot 2,063 16
Hencon 2,063 54
Here heukelom 2,063 8
Horny horses 2,063 10
Huisman van Muijen 2,063 34
Kormelink 2,063 21
LTC Voll 2,063 14
LTE EK poule 2,063 25
Masterpoule 2,063 11
Micral Poule 2,063 12
Nextview EK 2024 Pool 2,063 47
OVM EK 2024 voetbalpoule 2,063 24
Pelletfabriek! 2,063 11