Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2672 Boykes 2,066 9
De grote PV-STAF EK poule 2,066 21
Duitsersenz 2,066 8
Ek 2024 123 2,066 10
EK familie voetbal poule 2,066 15
EK POULES 2024 2,066 23
EK-2024 LPA-VVR 2,066 19
EK2024 op de Saks 2,066 23
EK2024// 2,066 14
FC Emmen EK Poule 2,066 13
FC Hannanstraat 2,066 9
🔥Ga je naar het strand EK POULE🔥 2,066 16
Heren 15 2,066 12
ilionx Hoorn 2,066 35
Jisperjommens 2,066 11
KID Doetinchem 2,066 13
Kraats Kaas 2,066 29
Luttikhuisjes 2,066 6
Molco 2,066 23
Neven EK 2,066 16
Orthen2024 2,066 10
Pandaaa’s 2,066 10
Proeflokaal Reijngoud 2,066 19