Pools Marsha159

Pool Position
🐶 ⚽️ Sportunity EK Poule - De Moos Voorspeldoos 789 32+*
Afterbeat FC 8144 2
BeSharp Experts - EK Voetbalpoule 2024 1010 6
EK Poule Van der Lijn / FC Surhústerfean 18 39
Flexcoaches EK Poule 3305 5*
Flow Reizen EK 2024 3220 4
Foodtruck Hungry Jack 5407 3
Fysio Balance 3699 4
Fysiq Vision EK poule 2024 6613 2
IJMed open poule 4965 3
InTechniek.com EK2024 207 23
Sportshop Bouwes EK Poule 145 7
vtbnh poule 3401 4

+ This pool doesn't count all rounds. The points in this pool may differ from your total points.

* The ranking in this pool doesn't take the extra predictions into account. This means the points you scored in this pool may differ from your total points.